Monday, July 25, 2005

Oh La La, I also have blog!

People around the world have it, i also want it! People like xiasuay makes thousands in endorsement and sponsorships, i also want to be like them. (Evil grin) So with that dream, here i am embarking on my journey into blog land. But however, if this piece of crap does not make me any money within 3 months of my posting, it can go kiss my ass! RAWRRR!!!

Weekend was spent lamenting about life, and the lack of money. My partner in crime, Mr D suggested we must quickly embark on our Projectsurepass phase 2 asap. So gotta do it! Hell, gimme my money. But deep down inside, i'm secretly plotting to go rob a bank in timbatu and after that retire happily in the countryside in a rural secluded place in Vietnam... sipping cocktails with bikini claded girls dancing on the beach. Oh la la, thats LIFE!!!!

On top of that, since i have so so so much time on hand before Jamie comes back, I would like to announce to the whole world i have decided to rewrite a story titled Little Red Riding Loot. I'm gonna let everyone relive the good old magical days of children fables with my version, except it's bigger, stronger and sexier! It is in the pipeline, so stay tuned! Ideas welcomed! Vi Va la Vietnam! Im coming... wait for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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